Sunday, October 28, 2012

Anne Arundel CX (AACX) - A winning Day

Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the Mid-Atlantic. Forecasts were dire.  Rain, wind, end of days. So, we loaded the CR-V up with all the foul weather gear. Rain pants, boots, even a bucket and bottles to wash bikes in the pits.  I had been coordinating with Mark Skubis and Jeff Fleming about getting the tents to the parking lot.  Jake, Liam, and I packed up the car at 7:15 to head to Anne Arundel County, just on the east side of the beltway, with no rain falling, but the radar showed a hug swath of rain just on the edge of Annapolis.

This is a new race, part of the Sportif Cup series.  There was a very steep hill that was just rideable for me and Jake but many others were running. It was a bumpy course, a lot like the old Tacchino courses at Ida Lee park, with nice rolling terrain.  At first in warm up I wasn't loving the course, but I will say that it rode with a better flow at race speed.

It was a pretty setting

Panarama shot with the iphone chopped this poor guy off
 Liam went off first. Group of about 25 10-14 juniors.  He got a terrible start and was stuck behind a bunch of people.  The climbing and bumps don't work great for him (I noticed his saddle probably needs to go up too).  He really settled into a position.  He finished up 12th, not bad but not a super day for him.  He can do better. (some photos by Iain Banks)
Liam in traffic at the start
Liam through the dip in the woods (by Iain Banks)

I did the 3/4 35+/45+ immediately after Liam.  My main goal was to beat Pete Lindeman for the 45+ win.  I was on the second row and got a decent start but then was slowed by some bad traffic in the first minute. 
That's me getting off my bike in the melee (photo by Iain Banks)
added Monday AM: You can see me in 19th-20th by my count at bottom of hill (there shouldn't still be that stand still at that corner 200 meters after the start)
 I was in top 20 but maybe 15-19th. Pete Lindeman was up ahead. I was feeling ok and able to move forward; I passed some guys and followed some wheels trying to pull toward Pete. I was passing at strategic times to leap frog forward. 
I passed these dudes (I think they're lapped 55+ traffic) (photo by Iain Banks)
 At one point Patrick Dolan joined me and I followed him a bit to try and get up to Pete.  I was feeling ok. It became clear that my advantage was on the hill. Mid race I had caught up to Pete and was close to top 10 or just inside top 10. we had a small group of me and Pete and Patrick and another or two. (as an aside, maybe someday Joe Jefferson will learn my name; I talk to him practically every weekend at this point, but I'm still just "Squadra Coppi" during races).  With 3 laps to go I rode the hill as I had each lap and created a small gap but Pete and Patrick caught back up after 3/4 of the lap. With 2 to go, same thing and this time the gap was bigger and I held them behind me the whole lap. 
On the move (by Iain Banks)
I knew if I could get to the hill that would be the end. I did and it put a very big gap on Pete. In fact, I had caught up with the group of 3 ahead of me; I got to the back of them but couldn't get passed. I finished 7th overall and won the 45+ subgroup by beating Pete.  It was good to feel pretty decent the whole race.

Immediately after me, Jake lined up in the Men's Category 3/4.  He was on the 2nd row as well.  I didn't see it because I ran to the car to get his pit bike, but he finally got a decent start.
Jake tops the climb at the start (by Iain Banks)
 When I got back he was in the second group and easily and quickly moved across to the front group.  So he was in a group of 3 with Tanner Browne and another guy I don't know.  They were off the front, but looking at each other a bit and a group was chasing so I yelled that they needed to stay on the gas.  Jake applied some pressure and it hurt the 3rd guy.  Going up the hill with 4 laps to go (so mid race) the 3rd guy clearly nearly stalled and Jake and Tanner were gone off the front. They were riding well.  Not sure when but Jake opened a bit of a gap and Tanner had to change bikes as his rear tire was losing air. At that point Jake had 20 seconds.  He extended it to 45 seconds with 2 laps to go, and he held it.
He came across for the win (I didn't get a great photo)
Jay Dove had fought his way up and got 2nd, with a guy from Winchester Wheelmen 3rd and Tanner 4th
It was incredible.  I'm thrilled and proud.  Jake now has the points to upgrade to Cat 2, which was his goal.  He'll do some more Cat 3 races.  If he wins again, it will be a mandatory upgrade.

At the same time as jake's race, Luke and Andy raced the 15-18.  Luke won and Andy got 3rd after a tight sprint.  So more HPC junior podium action
Photo Iain Banks

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